Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year From Beagleland!!!




Hi, we here at beagleland want to wish everyone and happy new year. May next year bring happiness, a job, good health, prosperity, hope, good grades, peace in our relationships, weight loss, safety in the streets, our soldier's back home and hair, LOL! My family is looking forward to traveling, fishing, racing and just spending time together. My hope is that you find what makes you happy in life. The photos above a a sample of what make us happy(1:Bailey 2:Lucy 3: Family 4: dog tricks 5: My Dad
Have a great 2010, Monte

Monday, December 28, 2009

Walter "kent" Mundell

Today 44-year-old deputy Walter 'Kent' Mundell who was shot in an Eatonville home Monday night died of his wounds. Please pray for his family and fellow officers. This area has had to many officers killed, JUST STOP!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's a RED Christmas????

This is Kaylyn she is four and she was in charge of the photo taking. All photo's here were taken by little Kaylyn.

The beagle's got into a fight and had blood all over the place. It took me over an hour to get Bailey's ear to stop bleeding. Then I had to clean up all the mess and Steve cleaned up the carpet. All this was all over a piece of pizza crust, CRUST!! All in all the girls, Logan little one's had a great time opening their gifts. We have three more of these events planned, hopefully no more fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEE Haa, Monte

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A thought for Thursday!

This is the governments cost saving idea, a new kind of Border Patrol!

If you thought that it was cold outside!

This is the dangers of having a male dog, LOL!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Beagles Chirstmas tree!

Well the beagles have their own tree this year. This little tree was a Earth Day gift from The Boeing Company. We decided to decorate it for the dogs. It's planted in a whiskey barrel on the deck, next to the hot tub. You can see from the photo's it didn't take them long to snoop it out!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lakewood Officer Memorial.

This is the day that the public, police officers, public officials and families of Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, Ronald Owens, 37, Tina Griswold, 40, and Greg Richards, 42 honor their memories at the Tacoma Dome. We have to stand up and make a difference. I pray for the families and fellow officers to have the courage to push on. Thank you officer Renninger, Owens, Griswold and Richards for your service. You will be missed!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's cold but I'm ready for bed!!!!!

It's super cold outside and the beagles are resisting the idea that they need to go out before bed. Lucy stuck her nose out the slider and then ran back in the living room. Needless to say I had to kick them out for awhile, so they can do their business, if you know what I mean. If you click on the photo, it will take you to the Flickr site that owns this great photo, please do.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Flash Back Friday!!

Hey, this is the 12 cars pit crew in 1974. You can tell that their having a great time. Where did the time go. I remember going to the speedway as a family and spending the time together. I think that's why the Patches Pals trips means so much to me, the fishing trips, Dirt track races, watching the kid race and just spending time with my family.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

If you have a beagle, you know what I'm talkn about!!!

Ok, It's around 5:00 am and you feel hot breath on your face. You open your eyes and things are still not in focus and this is what you see. It's a three year old, thinking she is starving. You tell her to go back to sleep and then you feel a cold nose pushing on your cheek. You open your eyes and this is what you see! If you have a beagle, you know what I'm talking about! "Get out of bed and feed me!"


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lazy dogs!

Lucy has really taken to her new bed and has a strong dislike to being moved once she has fallen asleep. Needless to say she is getting schooled on this and we are working on "who's the boss." Bailey loves hers too, I'm still working on getting a photo of her sleeping.

Later, Monte

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stuffed Beagles!

Hey, Thanksgiving was very relaxing. It was just the four of us and the dogs. The turkey, mashed potato's, stuffing and desserts were all great. All I have to do know is the dishes. The dogs were begging to lick all the plates, like they need that! Everyone took a nap and then we had some cake. I love Thanksgiving, don't you!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

This dog is not crazy!!!!

The paranormal, do you believe in it? For those who know me, know that I believe. This dog is so much like my beloved Casey, that I know that she was my protector. The beagles are not a sensitive and she was ,but they stand guard over me in the night. Please don't judge people on their life experiences, someday YOU might need someone to believe you when the time comes.


Friday, November 20, 2009

New beds for the Girls!!

The beagles got their new beds and they love them. Thanks to EBay I picked these up for $20 each. If you have ever bought anything for your pet you know how much things can cost. My hope is that they will get to the point that they well want to sleep in them without being pushed too. So when we go in the RV they will sleep in their bed and not with, I mean on me! Just about a half hour ago I had to break them up, they were having a sister fight(that a lot of noise and not much of a chance of them getting hurt)
Until tomorrow, Monte

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where's the light! Where's the light!

I found a Lazar pointer that I used to play with Casey and introduced it the Beagles. They went CRAZY over this thing. It's so funny because beagles want to smell everything and the Lazar light has no scent. So, you play with for a while and the will look for the light by sniffing for around a hour. This keeps them busy and feeling like real hunters, LOL!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lights Out!!!

Well I was watching a celebrity ghost story on TV last night and the actress that played Blanch on "The Golden Girls" was telling her story. She got to the part that she asked her long time friend, that was dieing to contact her by using electricity. Just then my lights in my house went out! Oh, did I tell you that we were having a strong wind and rain storm also last night. So, I made my way into the bedroom walk in closet to retrieve the flash light and why it was in there I couldn't tell you. I gathered up the two beagles and made my way to the bedroom at 8:45pm. No TV, no Computer, no Mp3 player, no DVD movie, what the hell am I doing to do? What any one would do, I picked up the Cell phone and played games until I was tired. The beagles were asleep in about three minutes.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Take the Time!

I thank you my defenders of the U.S.A. To those who served to protect our right to live in a land that's free. To those who gave their family members for my freedom I thank you! This is our land, this is your land and it's the land of the FREE! I say "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Beds for the Beagles

Monte has order new travel beds for the Beagles. Hope they fit better than this!!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boeing takes a walk again!!!!!

Once again Boeing screws the people in the northwest. They blame others to make themselfs look good. Here is a email form the I.A.M:


Statement of District President Tom Wroblewski in Response to Second 787 Line Announcement

October 28, 2009 – “Boeing has betrayed our loyalty once again, walking away from our discussions just like they walked away from Seattle eight years ago to move to Chicago. We tried very hard to reach an extended agreement with Boeing. We listened closely to what executives said, and suggested ideas to meet their needs. We offered concrete, real-world solutions. But I can tell you now, no matter what Boeing says or implies, the truth is this: We did offer Boeing a 10-year contract, and even offered to go longer than that. And when we did, they seemed stunned, and stopped talking. It was obvious to me that Boeing wasn’t really interested in working with us. They didn’t take our proposals seriously and they never offered any proposals of their own. Most of the time, they didn’t even take notes. It’s now clear that Boeing was only using our talks as a smoke screen, and as a bargaining chip to extort a bigger tax handout from South Carolina. I haven’t reported this before – not to our members and certainly not to the media -- because Boeing had asked for confidential talks. My word means something, so I said nothing, even while the company was leaking half-truths to reporters. When our team asked Boeing if 10 years was going to be enough for them, they didn’t respond. And when I asked them to confirm that the extended contract would secure the second 787 line for Washington state, their reply was only: “Well, it would be helpful.” But they would not commit to anything. Still, we tried to get a deal, because I know that’s what our members and our community wanted. To do that, we were willing to discuss any issue to get a deal that we could recommend to our members. We floated ideas on health care costs, wages, pensions and lump sums. None of this mattered to Boeing. They didn’t want solutions, but only a scapegoat. Our seven-week strike last year is not the reason the 787 is already more than 120 weeks behind schedule. Instead of investing in our shared future and a highly talented workforce and a region ideally suited for aerospace, Boeing has decided to double-down on its failed 787 strategy and place an ill-advised, billion-dollar bet on a strategy that’s a proven loser.”
Be sure to visit our web site at for current news.Be sure to visit our web site at for current news.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fix'n and swap'n!

Just finished swapping out the radios in the motor home's. I finished cleaning out the old one and just need to vacuum. I am going to post it on Craig's List on Monday and I hope that i can weed through the basket cases that will be calling. I pray that I can sell it fast and get it out of my drive way. I am looking toward the races and having the room to move around without tripping all over the baggage that is on the floor.

Well until later, Monte

Friday, October 23, 2009

Is this You?

Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. I have been a little busy, sick and just a little lazy. I have been cleaning up the old RV to sell and the city is putting in new sidewalks on my street. The beagles have been sounding the alarm every morning around sevenish. I thought I would start your weekend off with a little humor and hopefully make you laugh.

Till tomorrow, Monte

Friday, October 16, 2009

What will I be on Halloween?

I have not come up with a costume for the beagles yet. I think the hot dog costume will not fit them now. I guess I'll have to make a trip to the pet store and see what I find. You ask, "Why do you dress them up?" Well they love to greet the kids that come to the door on Halloween night.
Later, Monte

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our New Ride!!!!!!!!!!

Well Patches Pals this is our new motor home. We made a great offer and got it for about half of what it's valued. Now it's time to sell the our old one, so if anyone knows of someone looking let us know.We are really excited about the summer that coming up and the places that we can take pops. I can't believe all the storage in this motor home. The beagles just LOVE the windows. More post and photo's to come.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ooooooooooh I Feeeel Craaaaapyyy!

Well, I feel a little better today. Headache, soar throat, body ache and fever. Oh, we had KFC yesterday and lets say I'm eating there anytime soon.
Well for now, Monte

Monday, October 5, 2009

I have been Wii'd!!!

Well, I broke down and bought me a Wii. I guess I still have some kid left in me yet. I keep telling myself that it will be good exercise. I have been thinking, "should I buy a Wii fit?" I feel so empowered, LOL!
Happy Wii to you, Monte

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This ammazing DOG!

Just watch and be AMAZED by this loving dog and the determination of this kind woman.

Peace, Monte

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thinking, thinking and thoughts!

In the last few days I've been thinking about what I want to be, I'm over 40, just recieved a medical layoff and starting a new chapter in my life. Do I, should I, What I or maybe I? Man, my head is spinning. I think I need a vacation. I look around at all the things that need to be done at home and then at dad's house, who can go on a vacation. The Nascar and Mariners season's are coming to the end, this is called "The Dead Time." Well that's all for now, Monte

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Young Family caught in time!

I was given this photo by a family member on my first trip to Spokane and Montana. I believe this was on my grandparents 35th anniversary. L to R: Back row is Noma Chadwick, Terry Young, Eddie "Pug" Young, Jerry Young, Burdette "Buck" Young, Darrell Young and Beverly Pogue. Front row: Cody & Sylvia Young. Missing is Jack Young. I really miss the family that is no longer with us, but we know they are looking over us.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Seahawks and Kasey Kahne!

Well the Seahawks needs to regroup for next week. I hope they work on their pass protection and running defense, they sucked! I still think if they can get healthy and stay that way they have a chance.
Well as for Kasey Kahne, he didn't have the day he wanted. His engine didn't want to race, it BLEW UP! My fantasy picks sucked also. I must rethink my picks for next week.
For now, Monte.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Late: Flash back Friday!

Well I was sitting on the bed with the beagles and watching a special on UFO's. I remember sitting next to my great grandmother and listing to her tell me stories about the encounters that she had or heard of. As a child I was always intrigued by these tails and remember what she told me. "Monte" she said, "if god can create us, he can create other worlds also". This way cumming from a very smart and intelligent women. This women had a photographic memory, could recite anything she had read and was a teacher. I often think about what she told me as I look at the stars way up in the sky and wonder if I will ever know if there is really others out there?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MaryTravers of Peter, Paul & Mary dead at 72!

This is one of my favorite folk performers, my sister introduced me to their music. Class act entertainment!

BOSTON — Mary Travers, who as one-third of the hugely popular 1960s folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary helped popularize such tunes as "Puff (The Magic Dragon)" and "If I Had a Hammer," died Wednesday after battling leukemia for several years. She was 72.
The band's publicist, Heather Lylis, says Travers died at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut.
Bandmate Peter Yarrow said that in her final months, Travers handled her declining health with bravery and generosity, showing her love to friends and family "with great dignity and without restraint."
"It was, as Mary always was, honest and completely authentic," he said. "That's the way she sang, too; honestly and with complete authenticity."
Noel "Paul" Stookey, the trio's other member, praised Travers for her inspiring activism, "especially in her defense of the defenseless."
"I am deadened and heartsick beyond words to consider a life without Mary Travers and honored beyond my wildest dreams to have shared her spirit and her career," he said.
Mary Allin Travers was born on Nov. 9, 1936 in Louisville, Ky., the daughter of journalists who moved the family to Manhattan's bohemian Greenwich Village. She quickly became enamored with folk performers like the Weavers, and was soon performing with Pete Seeger, a founding member of the Weavers who lived in the same building as the Travers family.
With a group called the Song Swappers, Travers backed Seeger on one album and two shows at Carnegie Hall. She also appeared (as one of a group of folk singers) in a short-lived 1958 Broadway show called "The Next President," starring comedian Mort Sahl.
It wasn't until she met up with Yarrow and Stookey that Travers would taste success on her own. Yarrow was managed by Albert B. Grossman, who later worked in the same capacity for Bob Dylan.
In the book "Positively 4th Street" by David Hajdu, Travers recalled that Grossman's strategy was to "find a nobody that he could nurture and make famous."
The budding trio, boosted by the arrangements of Milt Okun, spent seven months rehearsing in her Greenwich Village apartment before their 1961 public debut at the Bitter End.
Their beatnik look — a tall blonde flanked by a pair of goateed guitarists — was a part of their initial appeal. As The New York Times critic Robert Shelton put it not long afterward, "Sex appeal as a keystone for a folk-song group was the idea of the group's manager ... who searched for months for `the girl' until he decided on Miss Travers."
The trio mingled their music with liberal politics, both onstage and off. Their version of "If I Had a Hammer" became an anthem for racial equality. Other hits included "Lemon Tree," "Leaving on a Jet Plane" and "Puff (The Magic Dragon.)"
They were early champions of Dylan and performed his "Blowin' in the Wind" at the August 1963 March on Washington.
And they were vehement in their opposition to the Vietnam War, managing to stay true to their liberal beliefs while creating music that resonated in the American mainstream.
The group collected five Grammy Awards for their three-part harmony on enduring songs like "Leaving on a Jet Plane," "Puff (The Magic Dragon)" and "Blowin' in the Wind."
At one point in 1963, three of their albums were in the top six Billboard best-selling LPs as they became the biggest stars of the folk revival movement.
It was heady stuff for a trio that had formed in the early 1960s in Greenwich Village, running through simple tunes like "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
Their debut album came out in 1962, and immediately scored a pair of hits with their versions of "If I Had a Hammer" and "Lemon Tree." The former won them Grammys for best folk recording, and best performance by a vocal group.
"Moving" was the follow-up, including the hit tale of innocence lost, "Puff (The Magic Dragon)" — which reached No. 2 on the charts, and generated since-discounted reports that it was an ode to marijuana.
Album No. 3, "In the Wind," featured three songs by the 22-year-old Dylan. "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" and "Blowin' in the Wind" both reached the top 10, bringing Dylan's material to a massive audience; the latter shipped 300,000 copies during one two-week period.
"Blowin' In the Wind" became an another civil rights anthem, and Peter, Paul and Mary fully embraced the cause. They marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, Ala., and performed with him in Washington.
In a 1966 New York Times interview, Travers said the three worked well together because they respected one another. "There has to be a certain amount of love just in order for you to survive together," she said. "I think a lot of groups have gone down the tubes because they were not able to relate to one another."
With the advent of the Beatles and Dylan's switch to electric guitar, the folk boom disappeared. Travers expressed disdain for folk-rock, telling the Chicago Daily News in 1966 that "it's so badly written. ... When the fad changed from folk to rock, they didn't take along any good writers."
But the trio continued their success, scoring with the tongue-in-cheek single "I Dig Rock and Roll Music," a gentle parody of the Mamas and the Papas, in 1967 and the John Denver-penned "Leaving on a Jet Plane" two years later.
They also continued as boosters for young songwriters, recording numbers written by then-little-known Gordon Lightfoot and Laura Nyro.
In 1969, the group earned their final Grammy for "Peter, Paul and Mommy," which won for best children's album. They disbanded in 1971, launching solo careers — Travers released five albums — that never achieved the heights of their collaborations.
Over the years they enjoyed several reunions, including a performance at a 1978 anti-nuclear benefit organized by Yarrow and a 35th anniversary album, "Lifelines," with fellow folkies Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Dave Van Ronk and Seeger. A boxed set of their music was released in 2004.
They remained politically active as well, performing at the 1995 anniversary of the Kent State shootings and performing for California strawberry pickers.
Travers had undergone a successful bone marrow transplant to treat her leukemia and was able to return to performing after that.
"It was like a miracle," Travers told The Associated Press in 2006. "I'm just feeling fabulous. What's incredible is someone has given your life back. I'm out in the garden today. This time last year I was looking out a window at a hospital." She also said she told the marrow donor "how incredibly grateful I was."
But by mid-2009, Yarrow told WTOP radio in Washington that her condition had worsened again and he thought she would no longer be able to perform.
Travers lived for many years in Redding, Conn. She is survived by her husband, Ethan Robbins and daughters, Alicia and Erika.

Will be missed, Monte

I guess that I'm not that dumb!

Well, I went to the local collage and took the entrance exams. I guess that I'm not that dumb after all. I scored high in English, that's because I was the only one that could speak it, just kidding! I will have to take some math classes,but over all I didn't do to bad. My next big test will be picking the path that I will take in my career. I was a little intimidated going into the collage, thinking that I would feel out of place. I looked around a noticed that I wasn't the oldest person in the room. I also notice that I wasn't the youngest either. I pray that I can find my path, finish and enjoy what I so.

For now, Monte

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cool mutts!!!

I wish I could teach the beagles to do this. I think if there was a piece of Bacon on it they might ride it.

Later Monte

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Word from Kasey Kahne!

This is way cool my man Kasey Kahne has made the chase this year. He raced a conservative race on Saturday. I think that the race between Brian Vickers and Kyle Bush was the best race on the track. In watching the Bush interview after the race, I was impressed with the way he handled himself. I think that Joe Gibbs has done a great job in grooming a future champion. Hands down he has the talent and he has the equipment. I am excited to see what is to come.

Later, Monte

Friday, September 11, 2009

Holy Salmon, Patches Pals!

Hey patches pals after a disappointing weekend of racing Randy motored down to Camp Kalama and went fishing. He caught a great looking Salmon. This happens to his first there at Camp Kalama. Jackie and Mike have their trailer at Camp Kalama for the whole month if you can, go fishing with them.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Please never forget!!!!!

Please talk to your kids, family and friends today about this day. We can not let this be just another day that people forget. I know where I was on that day do you? My friends don't let this happen again and support are troops. Tell them when you see them, "THANK YOU FOR GIVING US FREEDOM!"