Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ghostly tour!

I took this photo on a tour at the old Montana State prison. Many men and women died in this place. This is the main door that prisoners where brought through to come into or being let out. This place was kind of creepy in some areas and I was unable to take photo's in most of the prison because of this. Most of the photo's looked like this on with lights and a haze. The second one is Dad in a cell. If you ever get a chance to go through this place it's also attached to a old car museum. Most of the cars are owned by Private owners and are on loan to the museum.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Memories of the past!

I just wanted to share a photo of my late dog Casey. She was one of the smartest dogs I have ever had. It's been almost three years that I have been without her and I miss her greatly. I found Casey in a NO KILL shelter and I know that god sent her to me. She was like having a kid, she would amaze me everyday with her intelligence. As you all know I now have two nosey and curious beagles now! This keeps me on my toes. Lucy is getting very well adjusted to the life of a spoiled hound and Bailey is learning to play with others.
Well until tomorrow, Monte

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spoiled hound!

This is Lucy's favorite place to sleep while we are watching TV. Steve took this photo Friday during the evening news. We need sign her up for disability, I noticed that she was missing a nipple. Man that had to hurt! If she ever had puppies one would be left out of the feeding cycle. My plans are not to let that happen, that's the last thing I need is more dogs. I am hoping that the weather will warm up so we can take a little trip in the motor home and get the dogs ready for racing season. I am going to record Lucy as she is sleeping so you all can hear her talk in pig talk.

Well till tomorrow, Monte

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Heavens gates! Hi everyone this is a photo that I took from the motor home on my way to Terry & Sheri's ranch in Montana. Up on the hill is a statue of Jesus. I snapped this and look the gates opened!!!!! I think god knew that we needed all the help that he could give us. We broke down three times on the way home. Once we got home I fixed the little problem that plagued us.
Until Tomorrow,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Father, WOW!

I set here and wonder if I will be as good of man as my father. I so admire him greatly. Someone in our family called him and needed help and he flew into action. Without doubt, questions or complaints he did what was needed. While some others ran for the door or made excuses why they were not able too help, clearly they could but choose not too. I hope that I can be half the man that my father is, I truly hope that he never changes.

I love you dad!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bristol Baby!

Let the beat'n & bang'n began! My man Mark Martin is on the pole this weekend. I am hoping that his luck will turn. He is just one of my five fantasy drivers. Kasey turned a good lap and is in the top ten on the starting grid. This is one of the tracks that is on my list to visit, my Bucket List! L.O.L

Laugh today or cry tomorrow!

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Day in the park!

Hey everyone, I got this in a email and had to post it to the Blog. While I was at the Grays Harbor Speedway I was walking Bailey and a nice woman came up to me to remind me that I needed to pick up after her. NO KIDDING LADY! I HAVE NEVER NOT PICKED UP AFTER MY DOGS! Won't she just CRAP her pants if I did what is in this video. I wonder who would pick up after HER!


Laugh today or cry tomorrow!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't let that beagle face fool you!

I was sent this video by my cousin and thought that I would share it with my fellow Patches Pals and beagle lovers. Watch that video and keep your eye on the younger dogs in the kennel. I just love this clip.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Memories, Memories and Life!

Memories, sometime are hard to deal with. My mom has been gone for a little over a year now and we are still having our tough times. We had some of the family over for dinner and found that it has been harder for some than others. I guess the only thing we can do is try to do our best to comfort the ones that are having some issues with life without mom. We know that she is in a better place and not in pain, but you wish we still had her here to help us with our daily struggles. Hopefully the pain will get less and less as we enter a new stage in our life without her. We must be there for each other through good and bad, that's what mom would want.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Proud Great Grandpa!

This is a great photo. This is grandpa holding Braxton. He is Bucks great grandson. We were at the Kalama River fishing last September. The owners of the campground my not recover from the floods that we had. Let pray that things work out for them, because it truly a beautiful place to camp and fish. It seems that every year more and more camping places are being closed down.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Flashback Fridays!!

This is a photo of dad and I ice fishing. I think it was sometime in the 70's in eastern Washington. We pulled in mostly perch and as you can see, sometimes you would pull in something bigger. We had a camper with no plumbing and no lights. Wow, how far I have come. I now have a motor home with HEAT, RUNNING WATER, LIGHTS, MICROWAVE AND A CRAPPER! We are looking forward to our Patches Pals fishing trip, the state decided that they are going to close Lake Sylvia state park in September. So this might be our last fishing trip at that park until they open it again. We need the A-holes in Olympia to start planning betters so this won't happen again!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well I think it's still winter here in the Pacific Northwest. My fish in the pond were swimming around like they thought that it was spring and then we got MORE SNOW! Now that the sun has went away it's melted and is going to freeze to make the morning drive a bummer for some. Most of you know that I have not been to work since after May, the big airplane company sent me home after I broke my knee at work. After this weekend I am still running at the lower end of the Fantasy Racing Charts and Cody is kicking all of us, why to go Codeman.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Everything under the rainbow!

OK, OK I know that you are thinking what I'm thinking. When the heck is it going to stop with this winter weather already. Today it snowed, rained, the sun came out and all the time the temperature didn't get over 38. I am soo ready for the sun and warm weather. That also means fishing, racing and camping. Let bring it on baby!!!!

Laugh today or cry tomorrow, Monte

Friday, March 6, 2009

Flashback Fridays!

Hey everyone, do you remember that hot summer day in your childhood that you wished that would never end? I don't know if you've had that time in your life or "flashbacks" like this one, but I have had a few. If we weren't at the track we would be at the lake. That was before all the people move and built their mansions on Lake Tapps. We would swim all day until we had purple lips and water logged butts. Then we would break out the fishing poles and fish until dinner time.Then wait half hour after we ate and go swimming. Then at night we either went home or to camper to sleep. WOW, if we could only go back!


Thursday, March 5, 2009


Lucy Lu is a quick learner. She has been watching Bailey and they feed off each other. One will start with a slight woof, then a short bark and the all out beagle bark fest. I'll get up and look out the window and there will be no one out there, NOBODY! Then if you tell them "GRANDPA'S HERE" and you would think he hadn't been here in years. They start howling and jumping around like your beating them or something. Them they run to the door and wait. They usually calm down in about a minute or two. I'm looking toward to taking them camping, that will be FUN!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wacked out WEDNESDAY!

Hey check out these two web sites. Beware of some F***ing language. These guys pull NO PUNCHES! First one is called American Rant Network and the other one is The guy from Boston! If you can get past the language it's the truth(Congratulations to Our 44th President, Barack Obama!). I thought I needed a laugh and this guy speaks what we are all thinking. I love this guy!
Laugh today or cry tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Super Electric Roadster, WOW!

Check out this super cool Super Car a Tesla Roadster made in California. It’s all electric and is fast. This car run you a little over $100,000.00 and has about a year wait. I think this will be our new future in this country. This company is coming out with a sedan and will cost about half the cost of the roadster.

Well, isn’t it a Bitch! That guy from Kirkland couldn’t figure out which good looking woman he wanted, are you kidding! I think I’m going to pack up my motor home and move up into the hills and just maybe some good looking women will just wonder into my camp. Well enough of that! I have too much time on my hands.
See ya, Monte

Monday, March 2, 2009

Crash Time

This bottom photo is of Bailey and she didn't quite make it into the bed. She Plays hard and sleeps like a rock. She has a box full of toys and is not happy until the whole box is empty. That dog always wants to play with every toy. It's been a couple of weeks since Lucy Lu has joined our family and is finally playing with Bailey. Lucy thinks she owns my bed as you can see in the top photo.

Until tomorrow, Monte