Saturday, August 29, 2009

Do your kids ignore you!

Do your kids ignore you! Well look at my daughters, one has a pillow over her ears and the other just plainly ignoring me. No, really I was sitting in my chair and looked over and the pillow had fallen over Lucy's head. She kept on sleeping for around a hour. the two beagles could sleep throught a earthquake!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Light show in the Sky!

I found this on the comcast home page, it's over Atlanta. I just love thunder and lightning. We might possibly have a storm coming in tonight and yes, RAIN. I know for those that do not live in the Northwest, think that all it does is rain here, your wrong! We have had very little rain and it is getting to look like California, LOL! I am hoping that the big rain will hold off until after the Big E World Of Outlaw weekend. We have planned this for a long time now.

Later Monte!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Little League World Series

Hey are you watching the Little League World Series. These little guys play with so much hart. I don't remember having the high level of skills like these little leaguers do, it's amazing the talent of these twelve year old's. You also have to take off your hat off to the couches, officials, parents and the league for putting on a great show. All the kids from every country look like they are all having the time of their life's. The boys from Mercer Island made it to the series they will not be playing in the finals, but they have really played well to even make it this far. We are proud of you M.I. Little League!

For now, Monte

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Montana bound!

We spent the day loading the trailer with animals heading to Montana. There is more that are needed to be transported in a safer trailer. After loading the trailer we headed home to do more motor home repairs. I added some lights and Greg tuned up the Carb so that I will get a little more mileage, Hopefully it will improve. Right now I get around 6 mile per gallon, I'm hope it will be 8. See ya, Monte

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey everyone, check out this new site. They will feature a new item everyday at a super low price. I have bought items from them and as you buy you earn bonus points. Each point is equal to a buck. Maybe you might find some amazing deals.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Cart & Outlaw update!

For all that had to ride on the back at the Brownfield race I have added a backrest and moved the seat forword to allow for more butt room. I also updated the front seats. We are getting the motor home repaired, cleaned up and really looking toword the weekend fun. Come join us at the World Of Outlaws at Grays Harbor Speedway in Elma Washington, you will love it if you like racing.
For now, Monte

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Canine Designs

Hey dog lovers I found this website on a Google search and look what I found. This is a drawing of "Libbi" done by I think her name is Kelly Thommes. Anyway she has a great eye for drawing dogs, check out her site at Canine Designs. This beagle looks a lot like Bailey, just look at the eyes. Baileys ears have now darkened much more since the photo above was taken. If you get time check out this site.
Later, Monte

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Stupidity that's a under statement! This is one of the most dumb ass rulings that M.L.B. has sent down. They ruled that the Mariners Pitchers could not have their Gladiator helmets in the bullpen anymore. The players wanted to have that gladiator mentality and have a little personality. Well with all the drug problems and more serious issues in baseball, they have to rule on petty crap! Well the beagles are going to protest with a little armor of their own, Bite this M.L.B.!
Rant by Monte

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rain, rain, go away!

Well the race today was rained out, so the cars will run tomorrow. Gee if only Nascar would build a track in the Northwest. Ohhh that's right there are too many stupid people that objected to it. Well look at our unemployment and lack of business in this area. Hope to bring you some more beagle news later, Monte

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fat Dogs, it's my fault!

Well as you can see Bailey is the little porker. We are really working hard and have made progress in the feeding under the table action. Both dogs think that we hate them because they don't get the food that they think that they deserve. If we left it up to them they would eat until the popped!
We are getting more things updated on the Golf cart and will have it even more cool at this Outlaw Race!
See ya Monte.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Flash Back Fridays!

Guess what I found? Do you know who this family member is? It's all on FLASH BACK FRIDAY'S.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day one of the diet!

Well the Vet said that both beagles need to loose weight. That wasn't to hard to figure out. Bailey is the porker and needs to loose the most. I guess that Steve and I could stand to loose also. So, we are starting a LIFE STYLE CHANGE. We will see how long we can do this, we just need top take this one day at a time. We are going to take some before and after photos of the dogs to see their progress.
until later, Monte

Monday, August 3, 2009

Move this shed!

I thought that I was having a challenge moving my 8X10 wooden shed to the other side of the property. Well maybe I should hire these professionals to move it for me. Although I would prefer to have mine right side up!

I thought that I would hook the beagle up to it and they could pull it over there!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

I love this Postcard

Well the Beagles are sharing everything. Lucy Lu got a ear infection and has shared it with Bailey. I guess that they are united in all that they do. Bailey and Lucy have been staying in Steve's room, I think it's the A/c. I am hopping that the weather will cool down a little for the World Of Outlaws coming soon. Until later, Monte.