Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boeing takes a walk again!!!!!

Once again Boeing screws the people in the northwest. They blame others to make themselfs look good. Here is a email form the I.A.M:


Statement of District President Tom Wroblewski in Response to Second 787 Line Announcement

October 28, 2009 – “Boeing has betrayed our loyalty once again, walking away from our discussions just like they walked away from Seattle eight years ago to move to Chicago. We tried very hard to reach an extended agreement with Boeing. We listened closely to what executives said, and suggested ideas to meet their needs. We offered concrete, real-world solutions. But I can tell you now, no matter what Boeing says or implies, the truth is this: We did offer Boeing a 10-year contract, and even offered to go longer than that. And when we did, they seemed stunned, and stopped talking. It was obvious to me that Boeing wasn’t really interested in working with us. They didn’t take our proposals seriously and they never offered any proposals of their own. Most of the time, they didn’t even take notes. It’s now clear that Boeing was only using our talks as a smoke screen, and as a bargaining chip to extort a bigger tax handout from South Carolina. I haven’t reported this before – not to our members and certainly not to the media -- because Boeing had asked for confidential talks. My word means something, so I said nothing, even while the company was leaking half-truths to reporters. When our team asked Boeing if 10 years was going to be enough for them, they didn’t respond. And when I asked them to confirm that the extended contract would secure the second 787 line for Washington state, their reply was only: “Well, it would be helpful.” But they would not commit to anything. Still, we tried to get a deal, because I know that’s what our members and our community wanted. To do that, we were willing to discuss any issue to get a deal that we could recommend to our members. We floated ideas on health care costs, wages, pensions and lump sums. None of this mattered to Boeing. They didn’t want solutions, but only a scapegoat. Our seven-week strike last year is not the reason the 787 is already more than 120 weeks behind schedule. Instead of investing in our shared future and a highly talented workforce and a region ideally suited for aerospace, Boeing has decided to double-down on its failed 787 strategy and place an ill-advised, billion-dollar bet on a strategy that’s a proven loser.”
Be sure to visit our web site at for current news.Be sure to visit our web site at for current news.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fix'n and swap'n!

Just finished swapping out the radios in the motor home's. I finished cleaning out the old one and just need to vacuum. I am going to post it on Craig's List on Monday and I hope that i can weed through the basket cases that will be calling. I pray that I can sell it fast and get it out of my drive way. I am looking toward the races and having the room to move around without tripping all over the baggage that is on the floor.

Well until later, Monte

Friday, October 23, 2009

Is this You?

Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. I have been a little busy, sick and just a little lazy. I have been cleaning up the old RV to sell and the city is putting in new sidewalks on my street. The beagles have been sounding the alarm every morning around sevenish. I thought I would start your weekend off with a little humor and hopefully make you laugh.

Till tomorrow, Monte

Friday, October 16, 2009

What will I be on Halloween?

I have not come up with a costume for the beagles yet. I think the hot dog costume will not fit them now. I guess I'll have to make a trip to the pet store and see what I find. You ask, "Why do you dress them up?" Well they love to greet the kids that come to the door on Halloween night.
Later, Monte

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our New Ride!!!!!!!!!!

Well Patches Pals this is our new motor home. We made a great offer and got it for about half of what it's valued. Now it's time to sell the our old one, so if anyone knows of someone looking let us know.We are really excited about the summer that coming up and the places that we can take pops. I can't believe all the storage in this motor home. The beagles just LOVE the windows. More post and photo's to come.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ooooooooooh I Feeeel Craaaaapyyy!

Well, I feel a little better today. Headache, soar throat, body ache and fever. Oh, we had KFC yesterday and lets say I'm eating there anytime soon.
Well for now, Monte

Monday, October 5, 2009

I have been Wii'd!!!

Well, I broke down and bought me a Wii. I guess I still have some kid left in me yet. I keep telling myself that it will be good exercise. I have been thinking, "should I buy a Wii fit?" I feel so empowered, LOL!
Happy Wii to you, Monte