Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Just want to say "Happy Birthday" to my big sister Jackie. Here is a photo of Jackie and her beautiful dog Denali.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spoiled hound!

Lucy was sleeping next to me shivering, so I took Steve's jacket and covered her up. "Spoiled you say," you bet and so is Bailey 100% spoiled.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh quit already!

This is a every night occurrence. Both of the beagles love to track this little shit all over the backyard. If you have ever had a hound you know that they do not give up, they are locked and loaded. I had to start letting them out with their Bark collars on. I have not been feeling well and this kind of stuff tic's me off. I do love my girls and am proud that they have their instincts still. Getting the motor home ready for summer and can't wait for summer.

Later, Monte

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The stewey effect!

Dad, dad, dad, daddy, daddy, daddy, father................ This is every morning around 5:00 am! She wants FOOD! Lucy is not effected by Bailey's begging and whining. I hope that some day she will start wanting her food at maybe 6:00 or 7:00 am instead.