Thursday, June 4, 2009


To all that follow Beagleland know that Lucy's brother was Spider Pig. Let me tell you a little about his story. His mother was run over by a car/truck in southwest Washington state and Spider was born right on the road after his mothers death. He came to live with my nephew(the tow truck man), his wife and kids. Just about that time Lucy was brought into their lives as a puppy. Both her and Spider had over two years together. Spider grew up to be a large hog and Lucy a nice little beagle. It was getting too dangerous to let them sleep and play together, so the family gave Lucy to me. Sadly I have to tell you that Spider pig got out while his family was on a trip and started chasing the neighbors cows and also the farmers wife. So maybe they both looked like big pigs to him. Spider was shot and killed "Doing Whatever Spider pig Wanted."

So Rest in Peace Spider Pig, Rest in Peace!


1 comment:

  1. I miss spider pig also, he did his own thing dig, and didn't let the man get him down!
